Recent Testimonials 2023/24



Hello Philip,

 Thank you so much for a lovely service.  Everyone thought it was a fitting tribute to David.

The reception was 'enjoyable', if I can use that word.  So many great friends.

  Kind regards,





Hi Philip

Thank for the lovely service you gave to dad yesterday. I appreciate all your help and patience. 

I’m sure dad was chuckling at a few things, I know we were.  Now he may rest in peace. 

Thank you




Dear Philip


I’ve not been long home and as I reflect on Mum’s service today, I just wanted to say a huge thank you for your beautiful words and tribute of her life. You really did listen to what we had to say about our mum and that certainly came across today. Everyone remarked how beautiful it was!

Thank you for the bottom of my heart.



Hi Phil just wanted to say once again a brilliant service you gave mum - it was so uplifting and solemn where needed! Thank you once again for the guidance that you gave me! It was a small intimate funeral which mum would have loved!After the wake we had my Dutch relatives over and watched the the Dutch game and I made them a nice meal what a wonderful day!



Morning Phillip


Very many thanks for your contribution in making Graham's funeral a special day for all of us who knew him and especially for me and our families. I think the word 'perfect ' was used - not a word generally associated with funerals, but i don't think we could have made it any better than it was.




Just a quick thank you for today, it was a perfect ceremony for dad and you did him proud.





Phil I just wanted to thank you for making Dads ceremony the best we could have hoped for.   

 I  had no point of reference on the journey that we were taking.   Your guiding hand at the tiller was just  what was required  for this I sincerely  thank you on behalf of the family and myself.


 With Best Wishes  




My Dear Philip,

I just wanted to thank you for the beautiful service that

You conducted for my darling wife Linda yesterday.

It went without a hitch and the remarks and Emails that i have received this morning were full of praise for the way it went. I hope you don't mind me mailing you, but just wanted to thank you once again for the service that you rendered

For my family and myself.

My very best wishes,






Sue and I would like to thank you for the wonderful job you did on Thursday. You managed to catch the essence of her in the parts that you had written, and you were calm and professional in the manner you handled the whole thing in conjunction with Lee from Udens. We had a lot of comments afterwards about how nice the service had been.

Again, many thanks

John and Sue




Thanks so much for today it was an elegant send off and all the family were very happy.




Good Afternoon Phil,

Many thanks for the lovely service you delivered for my mum Hazel on Tues. Everybody said it was pitched perfectly.

Everything ran so smoothly and you and Spencer put us at ease.

Udens did an excellent job.

We were very pleased with Greenacres too. It was a lovely setting.

So although a sad day, it was a lovely celebration of my mum's life.

Thank you for helping to  make it so.





Thank you for your wonderful delivery of the order of service for Lee Hull last week. I am so glad Lee’s send off was by you, you made the service bearable with a mixture of humour and compassionate projection, everyone has been saying what a lovely service it was. PS the Bucks Fizz music made my day x


Kind regards

Carolyn Emery



Thankyou so much for what you did Friday x. It was absolutely John . I could not have asked for more . Thankyou x 




Good morning sir…Firstly I’d like to say that you was superb yesterday in how you conducted the service. I’d like you to know that many people commented on this up at the pub. 


And thank you for your kind words. I/We had many stories that we could have told. However wanted to spare the family some of the more “blue/drink” related ones. 


You could tell from the turn out that Biff was a well thought after bloke. It’s such a sad waste of life. However he’s touched many people over the years with his humour and loyalty. I just feel so badly for his children and brothers & sister. 


Thank you again Phil.

Take care




Good afternoon Philip

 On behalf of us all, we just wanted to say, thank you so much for your service on Friday.  Everyone commented on how special you made it and spoke as if you knew George himself.

All the best.

Kind regards.

Caroline Tutheridge


Hi Phil

Just wanted to say a big thank you again for the great service you put together  for Dad.


It was such a lovely send off and everyone present said how perfect it was. 

Thank you from my the whole family for capturing everything so perfectly.  It really couldn’t have been any better. 


 We will always recommend you to others if we are ever asked. 


Take care, With kindest regards 






 Hi Phil,

On behalf of James, Kay and I can I thank you for doing an excellent job yesterday. I think you set the tone perfectly for dad.

Best regards




Morning Philip

 I just wanted to thank you for Friday.  It was a beautiful service.

 I also want to apologise that I didn’t say goodbye to you properly on Friday.  It is all a bit of a blur really.  We did mean to invite you back to Karens so we could thank you properly.

Thank you again, and for all your support leading up to Friday.

 Take care.


 Debbie, Karen and Garry



 Hi Phil

Once again thank you for an amazing service yesterday. Comments ranged from thinking you were a pal of my bruv, as you came across as knowing my mum so well and being a long time friend of the family!

Proper job, as the Devon tranch say

Kind regards Sally


Dear Philip, 


Thank you for conducting Ivan's funeral so professionally.  I think you will agree, it all went very well.  A unique funeral, for an unique man. 

Many thanks. 




Hi Phil,

I trust all is well.

I just wanted to write and thank you , on behalf of my father , sisters and wider family, for the kind, considerate and compassionate way that you handled my mother’s funeral arrangements and the service itself. As you know , it is an extremely emotionally charged time and your calm and extremely supportive approach enabled it to go, as far as we were concerned, as well as we could have hoped. Your choice of words and references were perfect 

Thanks again 


Very best wishes,



Hi Philip Just like to thank you for a great service Rich 


Thank you once again Philip for a beautiful service for my John, he would have loved it , take care , Jan.


Hi Phil, just a quick thank you for yesterday (Frank Menniss), you were fantastic, really appreciated & can you pass on my thanks to Udens aswell.


John Menniss.



Thank you so much for conducting a lovely service and also  your help  with organising the order of service and reflecting on his life.


From Yvonne and family




Hi Phil,

 I just wanted to drop you a quick note to say thank you for the great job that you did yesterday for our Dad's service, which helped the day go smoothly.


 We had many positive comments from friends and family of how it went and your contribution with the background to Dad's life, which was nice for people to hear.

Thanks again from all of us.

 All the best.


Dean, Darren and Daniel



Dear Phil

I just wanted to say again how grateful we were for the sensitive and uplifting approach that you provided yesterday.
All of my immediate family and many of the wider friends and family commented , as we “toasted “ Margaret’s life after the service ,on what a splendid job you did .
Thank you Phil. The part you played will stay with us as we think about the occasion in times to come.
Heartfelt thanks from all of the family.



Hello Philip

I just had to write to say how wonderful you conducted Brian’s service yesterday.

Every single person commented on your professionalism, delivery of the funny stories, and how you made it all flow so easily.

Brian would have loved it, he wasn’t religious, he hated funerals, but I think he’d have enjoyed yesterday. 

Lots of the guests said it was the best funeral they had ever been to, all because of you.

Thank you from the bottom of my heart.

June Hart ?



Hi Phil,

Just to say a big thank you for all that you've done to ensure our celebration of Mum's life yesterday was conducted with care, compassion and professionalism.

Everyone commented on how fitting the ceremony was for Mum.

Thanks again.

Should friends or family require the services of a celebrant we won't hesitate in recommending you.

John & Dianne Millington



Hi Phil

 We can't thank you enough for yesterday. As promised, you delivered the most perfect, professional, personal and heartfelt service for our dear Dad. The whole family are so grateful for the way you so kindly introduced yourself to Auntie Joyce and included her in the service in such a lovely way - we couldn't have asked for more.


 As is always the case, we had a really lovely time at the Golf Club, just wish Dad could have been there to enjoy it too.


 Today feels very sad, but we will always have a wonderful memory of yesterday thanks to you and the very lovely staff from Udens.


 With kind regards




Hi Philip,

 This is just a quick note to say ’thank you’ for working with us at my Mum’s funeral on Tuesday. All the family felt it went as smoothly as it could and you were a big part of helping with that.

So, once again, thank you for your support and thoughtful words at this difficult time.

 Best wishes

 James and all the family




Afternoon Philip

The three of us would like to say a big thank you for the beautiful

service you conducted for our dad yesterday.

Our family and friends who attended , said it was a beautiful service.

The feeling of love and care was very emotional, and felt by all .

A few claps and laughter along  the way too!

Thank you for all your help and support you gave us to make this

journey such a memorable one for our dad.

We wound highly recommend you to others In the future. Your  warmth and attention to detail was much appreciated,

Kindest regards

Ann Lewis



Hi Philip

Thank you so much for all the help you gave us for Martins funerals he would’ve loved it. Everyone complimented us on the service you did a great job once again many thanks

Kind regards

Chris & Sam x


Good evening Philip,

 Just a quick message to say thank you.  The service was special and such a lovely way to celebrate the life my father had.


My mother said you spoke about him as if you knew him.  It really was a memorable service for such a wonderful husband, daddy, grandad and Grandpa. 

Thank you again, it meant so much

Best wishes






Dear Philip and Mathew,


A big thank you for organising and carrying out Dad's funeral so well. Dad was quite exacting about arrangements and I think you would have definitely received his seal of approval!


Thanks again and our best wishes,




Hi Philip, thank you so much for today, you were wonderful & you really got across the essence of our mum. Eternally grateful. Debbie x



Hi Phil

Just want to say a massive THANK YOU ? for yesterday. You were brilliant and put both Mel and I at so much ease - it really did feel like a celebration of Mum’s life and not just a sad and sombre occasion. Hopefully it was everything our dear Mum would have wanted - shame we can’t ask her! The wake went well too so all in all, as funerals go, we couldn’t really have asked for more. Thank you again. Kindest regards Georgina and Mel.



Good evening Philip,

I know I thanked you on the 14th April but it’s been a week since the funeral of my father and it could not have gone any better.

The effort and time you put in for me and the detail so everything went smoothly was so amazing and a big thank you goes to you and the team at UDEN .

Charlie Nick and Stanley we’re also spot on with all the arrangements right up until the day including there colleagues and family members.

The Flowers were wonderful and have lasted so we have been able to enjoy since the funeral. I can say we done him proud.



Roger and Family


I would like to thank you very much for your presence and understanding with your service today, everyone said that it was great. 

You made the whole thing easier and promoted us to recollect some of the old memories good and funny from the past.

Once again Thank you.




Hi Philip,

 I hope you are well. I just wanted to say on behalf of myself and my sisters a sincere thank you for the lovely service for our mum last Thursday. The service was very well conducted and a very appropriate way to celebrate mum’s life. We are also deeply grateful for the support and guidance provided to us in the time leading up to the funeral.


 Kind regards






Hi Phil,

I would just like to say thank you for your kind words,at mum’s funeral,we all felt that you understood who mum was and what she meant to us ,everyone said how good you were and that you made the day bearable,with respect ,thoughtfulness’s and just the right amount of humour,so once again from all the family Thank You 




 Good afternoon Phil,

I am writing to express my deep gratitude and admiration for the way you conducted the service for my brother and mum this morning. All in attendance have told me that it was a beautiful ceremony, very moving and excellently presented. I am sure that my late mother's heart would have warmed if she'd been able to see the way her son was given such a beautiful send-off. We had a lovely time at The Tiger's Head afterwards, recalling different memories of Mike and mum, and it gave old friends the chance to spend time together after many years in a jovial ambience.


Take care and all my best wishes.



Hi Philip, 

 I just wanted to say a massive thank you for delivering the service today, it was well received by all, myself included.


Some were touched by the quality of your presentation and compared it to other funeral services they had attended stating yours to be the best. They loved the content and they loved the pace and everything else afterwards.


Once again Thank you From all of us




Hi Philip,

 I hope you are well,  I just wanted to drop you an email on behalf of all our family to say a sincere thank you for your lovely service yesterday. It was exactly what we had thought of when we knew we had to say goodbye to my Grandad. In such a short time at my parents house, you managed to capture the type of person that he was and why he was so loved and this came across so beautifully in your service.

Thanks again, honestly we are so grateful and we are so pleased with how yesterday went.


Richard, Maggie, Michael & Maeve .



Phil just want to  say a huge Thankyou for yesterday. I was just so pleased with absolutely everything . Just a perfect send off for mum . 





Dear Phil
It’s difficult for me to find the right words to truly thank you for the wonderful service on Wednesday. You spoke like you had met our wonderful dad and somehow managed to make our tale  of his life sound so amazing.
Thank you

Paula & Deana 


Hi Philip,

 I hope you’re well.

 I just wanted to send you a message to say a huge thank you for the service you conducted for us on Wednesday. 

 In the short time since we met I felt you understood our situation, and more importantly understood our Mum. Your words were perfect and I think the service was an absolutely fitting send off for her.

We only had one chance to get this right, and you did just that.

So, from all of us, many thanks. If our Mum was looking down on us, we think she’d have been very happy! And that’s a nice thought to have.

 Take care and all the best.





Dear Philip

 I write on behalf of the family to thank you for the beautiful service you conducted for our dear mum on Monday at Beckenham Crematorium.

We were fortunate to have our mum live to the grand age of 94 years and the service was very much a celebration of her life and reflected our love and respect for her. We have received many compliments from those who attended. 

Naturally it will take us sometime to come to terms with our loss but we all take great comfort from saying our final farewells in such a beautiful and dignified manner.

We thank you sincerely for meeting with us to discuss the arrangements and for your help and guidance in creating a truly memorable occasion.

Kind regards

Kate Owen

On behalf of the Boulton Family



Hi Philip

Just wanted to drop you a line to thank you for the service yesterday for my Mum. It was perfect!

Thanks also for all your help and support and for making a difficult time so much easier.

Kind regards



Hi Phil,

This is just a brief note to thank you for such a warm and lovely service for Bernice. Even though we were watching the livestream, we could feel that you generated a mix of emotions, most importantly highlighting the very special person she was.

Thanks, too, for including our message, although it felt a little strange hearing it remotely!

With best regards

Kevin and Tina


Dear Philip,

 Thank you for this and thank you again for the care you have taken in your role as celebrant for Roy’s funeral service.


 I received many comments afterwards that the service went well and that Roy got the send off he deserved. You played a large part in ensuring that happened and the family are very grateful for your support.


 Best Regards, Mark




Hello Philip,

 I just wanted to say a huge thank-you for the excellent service for Bill yesterday. Everybody was commenting on how good it was and hopefully I can give you no bigger compliment than I wish we had had you as the celebrant for my Dad's funeral. I wish you well for your future engagements. Best wishes and kind regards,




I would like to personally thank you on behalf of my family, for such a professionally run funeral yesterday.

In your Officiator role, you delivered the service perfectly.

The words you added around the eulogy and how you presented the service was simply wonderful.

The funeral was perfect in every way and my Dad would have been very pleased.

All the best,



Hi Philip, thank you again for helping us to giving Mum a beautiful send off. The service was lovely & it made the day just a little bit easier.

If you perform other funerals in the way you did Mum's, the families will come away with wonderful memories.

Thank you again, on behalf of myself, Michael & Baz!


Hi Phil


I just wanted to thank you so much on behalf of our family for Paul's service on Wednesday.  We felt you got the mood just right, and

I trust you're well. everyone I spoke to remarked that it was a perfect send off.   Thank you too for taking our friend back to Gravesend.  It was a kind gesture and very much appreciated.




Hi Phil

Me and mum would like to say thank u so much for today. You perfected his life story and we couldn't have written it better.

Thank you so so much.


Hi Philip, thank you so much for orchestrating a beautiful and upbeat celebration for Dave (Woggo) yesterday. I think we captured the essence of Dave well and left the congregation with hope and aspiration on what could have been a sad and sombre occasion. From the motorcycle entourage to the shot of Jack Daniels we were able to celebrate his life and give him a final journey he would have delighted in. Thanks again.

Mick, Sally, Siobhan, Kirstin, Karen, Ellie and Tracy.♥️


Hi Phil

I just wanted to thank you once again on behalf of myself and the family, for the lovely service you gave at Alec’s funeral yesterday.

We are so very grateful to you. On behalf of us all thank you once again.

With kind regards,




I just want to say thank you again for the lovely send off you gave to Doris today , everyone said how nice it was and how calm you made then feel . I for one are truly grateful that with your help and understanding we was able to pay our respects to Doris and give her the send off that she deserved.

 Kindest Regards Denise

Thank you so much for today  it went so smoothly and was very personal.

Everyone agreed that it was joyous.

No words can truly say how much it meant to myself and my children that George was given the send off he wanted.




Hi Phil,

Thanks once again for the way you conducted the service. It was exactly what we were looking for, and I have had many positive comments from those in attendance, all saying what a lovely service it was.

Many thanks,



Dear Philip

Thank you so much for officiating at the Funeral of our Mother, Stella, on Thursday. From the moment we met you on that Monday night we had every confidence you had captured the essence of our Mother and Family, and we were right. The tone was absolutely spot on and we would like to say a huge thank you for ensuring the service was both sympathetic and celebratory.

Kind regards
Julie & Brian Robinson and Gillian Jordana

Hi Philip just a line to say thank you so much for the lovely service, everyone said how good it was. 

The wake was good, a catch up with many people we haven’t seen for years and a good send off for dad. 

Thanks again Paul and Jean. 


Hi Phil, just a note to say thanks from all of us for your help with the service for P King and for your talk etc. your input was really appreciated.
We all felt it went really well and the service was suitable for all the different types of people who came
Kind regards



I am located at: 1 Rectory Meadow, Southfleet, Kent

DA13 9NY

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